Wedding planning?...forget it! Not this couple. Travel that's more like it! We surprised the world with our secret wedding on May 30, 2010 and now we are embarking on a 3-month honeymoon around the world. We are excited to be able to share our adventures with family and friends. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Getting ready for India and Supertyphoon Megi

We've had a relaxing couple of days back in Hong Kong. Thanks to spg points we've been enjoying our stay at the W Hong Kong. The facilities and staff are so nice, we've barely left the building. We've also met a variety of friendly and interesting expats. We've been enjoying the luxury here because we know it's going to be a completely different experience in India.

Hong Kong citizens and the hotel staff are busy preparing for Supertyphoon Megi. We just came back from the roof deck jacuzzi and pool (on the 73rd floor). They had removed or tied down the furniture. In talking with the staff, they say it should hit Hong Kong Saturday or Friday night and will be a very powerful storm (although there is nothing on the news). Fortunately our flight is Thursday evening and the Hong Kong airport has stayed open during past typhoons. We hope for the people here that it ends up being a minor storm.

We fly into Delhi tomorrow night and take another flight the next morning to Kochi where we begin a 2 week tour of southerrn India.

Far east Asia has treated us well and we bid it adieu.

Tivon (typing on Tara's phone)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having the most incredible time!
