Wedding planning?...forget it! Not this couple. Travel that's more like it! We surprised the world with our secret wedding on May 30, 2010 and now we are embarking on a 3-month honeymoon around the world. We are excited to be able to share our adventures with family and friends. Enjoy!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Home again, at last!

Tivon and I arrived safely into Narita airport yesterday afternoon. The flight from Dallas was 12 hours and 30 minutes and I can confidently say that in-flight Tetris made it seem much shorter. :)  Upon our arrival, we swiftly made our way to our hotel, haphazardly avoiding the organized chaos of Tokyo rush hour.  My blonde hair and Tivon`s towering height helped us stick together. 

We spent the evening walking around Ikebukuro, which is a non-touristy area located on the main train loop of downtown Tokyo.  Tivon was amazed with the lights, the people and of course THE FOOD!  We ate at a keiten sushi place, which is a restaurant where all different kinds of sushi rotate around on a conveyor belt.  We feasted on some delicious fish, some of which we couldn`t even identify.  Even more, we enjoyed watching the sushi chef prepare the various plates.

It is now 4:30 in the morning and I`ve been up for an hour planning our time here in much to do and see, so little time!  Tivon is fast asleep and clearly doing a much better job at combating jetlag.  I will write again soon, but hopefully next time it will be at a more reasonable hour.



  1. Glad that you made it to Japan safely and that you're having a good time. Write more about the food next time...just kidding! You're doing a great job blogging!

    Love ya!

  2. Sushi on a conveyor belt just seems not right. I did it in Dublin and I hope it was better in Asia Japan!

  3. Nice to hear you guys had a safe trip!
    I love the idea of you blogging about your adventures.
    Hope you both of you a safe & fun honeymoon.. Cant wait to follow the great stories !!

  4. Hi Tara & Tivon -

    Just checking in to say hi and hope you are having amazing adventures together! This is a great way to keep in touch and I look forward to getting more updates. I have to find a way to tag along next time ;-) Safe travels, love you guys!


  5. Hi Tara and Tivon - Glad the honeymoon is going well. I can't wait to hear about how jet-lag and a sake-festival mix. Have fun.

